Investment Focus

Global Mining Capital Corp. executes private transactions with public companies to finance quality mining projects or to buy trophy assets. Global Mining Capital Corp. also transacts deals with private companies, preferably prior to their going public. The company would also consider acquiring projects owned by private entities. Opportunistically, Global Mining Capital Corp. also entertains the prospects of seed capital or growth capital for spin-off companies with projects that meet its target investment criteria.

Global Mining Capital Corp. approach is flexible and to structure transactions with a “win win” philosophy. Instruments include equity, debt, strategic investments, classic project finance, off-takes, royalties and streaming; where applicable. 

Global Mining Capital Corp. prefers companies which are beyond the scoping study phase of development, and preferably at the feasibility stage. Hence, the focus is on development, near-production, early-production and in-production projects. Global Mining Capital Corp.; may consider investing in earlier stage companies if they have a prospective large “world-class” resource.

The company’s focus is on resource-rich developed jurisdictions with low political risk profiles (e.g., Canada, Australia) and emerging markets such as Latin America, e.g., Chile, Peru and Ecuador; and some countries in Africa, especially west Africa. However, Global Mining Capital Corp. may opportunistically invest in high risk jurisdictions where Global Mining Capital Corp. believes that risk can be mitigated and/or can be managed. Global Mining Capital Corp. will also selectively consider Asia Pacific investments.

Target minerals are gold, copper and “green” minerals, Base metals (such as: zinc, nickel and molybdenum), uranium and Battery and EV Metals such as lithium, nickel and cobalt.